November 20, 2010

Rebecca's patent leather bracelet

On friday Shawn, Barbara and I were discussing the new portrait of Rebecca and in particular her unusual patent leather bracelet. It has such a prominent spot in the portrait and it looks so very modern!
Well I was looking up some information about patent leather and found out it was invented in Newark New Jersey by a man Thomas Edison titled the second greatest inventor (after himself), Seth Boyden. Mr. Boyden invented a "fancier" looking leather which was conditioned with a layer of linseed oil and was stiff and shiny. He created patent leather in 1818 and by 1819 it was a commercial success. Unfortunately he never patented his patent leather and did not receive monetary success. He later would invent malleable iron.
I am most familiar with patent leather footwear an have never seen it in a cuff form.
Was this a manufactured bracelet from New Jersey's booming Newark?
Is it possible that the bracelet is a piece of mourning jewelry? Or was she proudly displaying a something completely unique?
What do you all think?

Here is a link to the November issue 1831 of The Royal Lady's magazine, with great descriptions of Fall fashions:


  1. Fascinating. Thanks for posting this. Did not know patent leather went back that far.

  2. Thanks, Farrar, for the research. I had no idea when and where patent leather was invented. If you would like to see another example of fashion of the day, google "Mlle. Sigoigne" "Sully." She ran the Philadelphia school which Rebecca's nieces attended and had her portrait painted by Sully in 1829. Like Rebecca she chose a big hat and clothing which made use of transparent fabric.
