September 15, 2010

Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus is playing at the Plays & Players Theatre at 1714 Delancey Place, and I'm going to go to one of the upcoming shows. The play is part of the Fringe Festival, but I won't be able to go until after the festival ends. But the show continues to run Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. from Sept. 23 through Oct. 2. There is a Sunday 4:00 performance too, but I cannot make that one. And the company also has an 11:59 p.m. performance on Sept. 17 and Oct. 1, which sounds interesting. Reminds me of The Rocky Horror Picture Show performances. Think we can throw popcorn at the stage if we go then?

If anyone would like to go with me, check you calendar and shoot me a date. You can also check out the theatre and show at Jesse


  1. Yes, I am interested. How about the 25th? I have to be at the RML for the open house till 6. There would be time to grab a bite to eat and be on time for the 8pm show. Hmmmmmm?

  2. I'm interested too and could go on the 25th -- I've never seen gory Titus. I should warn you: I have a "Theatre is in my blood and Shakespeare is my God" aspect to my personality
    and have been known to stalk out of productions I disapprove of.

    My son and I have tickets for the production of Macbeth at the Wilma which will run from Sept. 29 to Nov. 7, but we haven't chosen the specific date yet. If you are interested in seeing it, let me know, and we can work out an evening.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The weekend of 9/24 - 26 is already busy for me, so I'm thinking that adding Titus on the 25th is not workable for me. But what about the following w/e? I could do the 1st or the 2nd. I've always enjoyed seeing closing night shows. If you hang out long enough after the curtain, you can inevitably get invited to the cast party afterward.

  5. I could possibly do Saturday the 2nd IF don't attend the Dickens meeting in NYC. Decisions, decisions.

  6. By the way, I heard it got bad reviews....anyone see it yet?
