October 22, 2010

Literary Coincidences: Marianne Moore and Buck Mulligan

In 1943 when the quarterly Contemporary Poetry published Marianne Moore's "It Can Wait, It Is Late" (vol 3, no. 2), one of the members of the Advisory Board was none other than Joyce's old friend
Oliver St. John Gogarty.


  1. There is another picture of Gogarty on Wikipedia from 1897, when he was 2 years younger than the picture you posted from 1899. I think the earlier picture was the better. I tried to cut and paste it here, but I guess in comments photos are not allowed? And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the Irish pronounce "St. John" as "Sin Jin" or something like that? Mickey: can you help me out here?

  2. Very interesting Shawn, what a small world!

    Jesse, I think you are right about the pronounciation.

  3. No, I had no time to learn Gaelic!!
