October 11, 2010

Sam continued, The Limericks!

There once was a man we called Sam

Who deep down inside was a ham

As he quoted the Bard

We docents tried hard

Not to snicker and get in a jam.

There was an old gent at the desk

Who said, “You Docents are all such a mess!”

“You leave the lights on,

And set off the alarm,

And give to me nothing but stress!”

There once was a man who loved Joyce

He would quote from his works with good voice

And on each June sixteen

He would grow very keen,

To throw up his armss and rejoice!

We all know the gent known as Sam

Who is quite a Renaissance man.

From Shakespeare to Dickens

They make his pulse quicken

He reads them as fast as he can!

There once was a wise man named Sam

Who loved to read books that were banned

From Cervantes to Joyce

They all have a voice

On this he will take a firm stand!

We all know a great guy named SAM,

Who deep down inside is a lamb,

Though he rumbles and roars,

He’s the one we adore,

He’s the Rosenbach’s own, “Sam I Am”!

Barbara Zimmerman, 9/24/2010

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